ALGIERS – Friday, 07 July 2023 (APS) – The meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), held in Baku (Azerbaijan), saw a fierce debate on the issue of Western Sahara, during which the ambassador of Algeria and its permanent representative to the United Nations Amar Bendjama, responded firmly, by putting forward overwhelming evidence against the allegations of the Moroccan representative Omar Hilal who attempted, through his speech, to attack Algeria.  

Accustomed to these comic roles as the spokesman of the Makhzen, the latter wasn’t courageous enough to directly mention the name of Algeria, contenting himself with indirect allusions.

He vainly tried to denigrate the value of our positions and to question the credibility of our country, by using expressions like “artificial conflict,” and “Moroccan Sahara.”

The answer came quickly form Algeria’s representative, the ambassador Amar Bendjama, who underlined, at the beginning of his speech, the statements of Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad Ahmed Attaf who hailed NAM’s positions of principle and its continued solidarity with the Palestinian and Sahrawi causes in the face of attempts of obscuring, deformation, trickery and disinformation to which they are confronted.

Such a reminder didn’t please the spokesman of the Makhzen who tried hard to distinguish between the two causes, claiming that there is no pertinence between the issues, and mixing up the two would be, according to him, an offense to the Palestinian people.

Apparently, he has forgotten that no other country has harmed the Palestinian people more than the Makhzen regime, which instrumentalizes this issue to achieve its political gains, notably in Western Sahara.

In this regard, Bendjama stressed that Morocco’s representative, who was indignant at the fact that Algeria has broached the issue of Western Sahara in its speech delivered by Ahmed Attaf, had forgotten, deliberately or by ignorance, that the issue of Western Sahara is a steady item on NAM agenda, and that the final declaration of Baku’s ministerial meeting includes several paragraphs shedding light on NAM’s support to the Sahrawi people’s inalienable right to self-determination and independence, in accordance with the UN relevant resolutions.

Adding that Algeria’s consistent positions, in perfect harmony with NAM’s ideology, will always remain a strong support to the causes of Western Sahara, Palestine, and all the just causes in the world.