ALGIERS – Tuesday, 16 August 2022 (APS) – The head of the Arbovirus and Emerging Virus Laboratory at Pasteur Institute’s Department of Virology, Dr. Hachid Aïssam, has been appointed as a member of the World Health Organization (WHO) Technical Advisory Group on Biosafety (TAG-B), the Pasteur Institute of Algeria said in a statement.

“Pasteur Institute of Algeria welcomes the appointment of one of its scientists, namely Dr. Hachid Aïssam, the head of the Arbovirus and Emerging Virus Laboratory at the Department of Virology, as a member of the WHO) Technical Advisory Group on Biosafety (TAG-B), following an organization’s public call for experts, for the selection of members from different countries,” the statement said.

According to Pasteur Institute, the group will be tasked with “providing the WHO with advice, recommendations and guidelines on the scientific, technical and strategic aspects of biological safety.”

Biosecurity and Biosafety in the Laboratories of the Pasteur Institute of Algeria are among the priorities of current top management, as they have been included in the action plan of the general directorate for two years, as an objective of major importance, the statement underlined.