ALGIERS – Saturday, 02 April 2022 (APS) – President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune on Friday made an address to the Algerian people on the occasion of the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, inviting them to further vigilance and prudence and to respect the health protocol relating to the Covid-19 pandemic in all public spaces.


In a message to the Nation on the occasion of the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, President Tebboune extended his best wishes to the citizens, praising Allah for the improvement of the pandemic situation, which enabled “the total opening of mosques to perform Taraweeh prayer in a climate of serenity.”

In this regard, President Tebboune reminded the Algerians of “the necessity of showing vigilance and prudence and respecting the health protocol measures in all the public spaces.”

President of the Republic urged the citizens to seize the opportunity offered by this sacred month “to strengthen the solidarity and fraternity ties known among the Algerians” and to “avoid excessive consumption and waste at a moment when several countries are suffering from supply shortage and malnutrition, and even famine, in a global context marked by deep changes.”

While speaking to the traders, President Tebboune called them to “show clemency towards the citizens” and not to give in to easy money to the detriment of citizens.

President Tebboune conveyed his most “sincere” wishes to the Algerian people and to our community abroad.