ISTANBUL (Türkiye) – Sunday, 23 July 2023 (APS) – President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan welcomed Saturday, in Istanbul, the level of relations between the two countries.


During their talks, held in the presence of the two countries’ Foreign ministers, Presidents Tebboune and Erdogan welcomed the level of the relations between the two countries, notably in the economic field, the trading between Algeria and Turkey amounting to USD5 billion, with a Turkish investment volume reaching USD6 billion in Algeria, a figure that the two sides intend to increase to USD10 billion in the medium term.

In order to strengthen the partnership between Algeria and Turkey, the two Presidents agreed to extend the field of investments to new fields, auguring a new phase in the relations between the two countries, notably after the re-election of Recep Tayyip Erdogan for a new presidential term of office.

During their talks, the two Presidents instructed their Foreign ministers to convene a meeting as soon as possible, in order to define the priorities they agreed upon and prepare a Summit which will bring, soon, together the two Presidents for the development of a new cooperation programme between the two brotherly countries.

At the international level, the two Presidents discussed, with interest, the Palestinian issue and agreed to speed up the process for Palestine’s membership of the United Nations, to become a full member.

They also discussed the situation in Sudan, Libya and Sahel.

Türkiye’s President seized the opportunity to thank his brother President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune for his role in maintaining the quality of the Arab-Turkish relations.

President Tebboune, leading a large ministerial delegation, paid a working visit to Türkiye on 21-22 July.