ALGIERS – Saturday, 23 December 2023 (APS) – The President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, called in Algiers on Saturday for greater involvement of civil society players in efforts to turn civil society into an effective and active force for proposals.

In a speech at the opening ceremony of the National Civil Society Forum themed “Dialogue, Citizenship and Development,” read on his behalf by Prime Minister, Nadir Larbaoui at the International Conference Center -CIC-, President Tebboune called the civil society players “to be further involved in the steps aimed at transforming the civil society into proactive players by working with the public authorities in line with the provisions of the Constitution.”


He also exhorted civil society representatives within national institutions “to actively contribute to their activities and convey the proposals and concerns of the society they represent to enrich the public debate and dialogue, ensure the maturation of public policies and back efforts to implement them.”

The President of the Republic urged the Government to “multiply efforts to strengthen the role of civil society locally and nationally.”

“The continuous and intense activity of the National Civil Society Observatory (ONSC), other players and the conferences hosted in various provinces of the country, including today’s forum, truly embody our strategic vision aimed at enshrining civil society as an active partner for the first time in the history of Algeria, a partner able to participate in the renaissance project we hold. This project enables us to assess the public action in the service of citizens,” he continued.

The President of the Republic emphasized “the prestigious place and the vital role civil society plays in the promotion of the values of citizenship and volunteering in the service of the general interest and development goals.”