DJELFA – Thursday, 11 May 2023 (APS) – Minister of Interior, Local Authorities and National Planning Brahim Merad asserted on Thursday, in Djelfa, that the President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune gives major interest to the handling of the citizens’ concerns.

Chairing a coordination meeting on local development in Djelfa, as part of a working and inspection visit to the province with representatives from several ministerial departments, Merad stated that “addressing citizens’ concerns, meeting their needs throughout the national territory,” and “striking a balance between the provinces are at the heart of the concerns of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune”.


In this regard, the minister pointed out that “the President of the Republic’s program has brought about a dynamic development”

After conveying “The President of the Republic’s greetings to the citizens of Djelfa”, the minister stressed that the State heavily relies on this province to become a “driving force of development, given its vast geographic area and population density”, as well as a center of excellence by “meeting the citizens’ needs, boosting regional connectivity, and improving citizens’ standard of living.”

Highlighting that this province has “recorded several positive indicators that contributed to improving citizens’ standard of living,” Merad indicated that “it still needs to address some shortcomings”.

Thus, he outlined that “a supplementary program has been developed with a financial envelope that matches the populations’ ambitions”.

After emphasizing that this supplementary program “will be personally monitored by the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister” to ensure that this province becomes a “driving force of development,” the minister called for the promotion of “a manufacturing industry that aligns with the province’s nature, which accounts for 25% of the national animal wealth.”

Merad carries on his visit to Djelfa, inspecting several construction sites and development projects in healthcare, transportation, industry, and higher education.