ALGIERS – Wednesday, 15 February 2023 (APS) – Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad Ramtane Lamamra is taking part in the 42nd African Union Executive Council, whose works will be held on Wednesday and Thursday at the headquarters of the continental organization in Addis Ababa, the ministry said in a statement.


The works the Executive Council, at the level of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and member States, comes as a prelude to the 36th African Union Heads of State and Government Summit, under the theme “Speeding up the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA),” said the source, adding that “during the Council’s works, several reports on peace, security and development in Africa will be examined, the component of some subsidiary  bodies will be renewed, as well as draft decisions which will be submitted in the next summit.”

On the sidelines of his participation in these works, Lamamra had bilateral talks and meetings with several of his counterparts, “including Senegal’s Foreign minister, current president of the Executive Council, as well as Foreign ministers of Libya, Congo, Togo, Angola, Saudi Arabia, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Egypt, Kenya, Mauritania, Somalia and Sierra Leone, in addition to the head of AU Commission and several top officials of the aforementioned Commission,” said the source.

“The meetings were mainly about the items on the agenda of the current session,” the source added.