ALGIERS – Tuesday, 08 March 2022 (APS) – President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune on Tuesday lauded the sacrifices of Algerian women through the stages Algeria has gone through, affirming his determination to fulfill his commitments to “strengthen the role of women.” 


“While we welcome the sacrifices of Algerian women, we will move forward with the help of Allah towards the fulfillment of commitments to strengthen the role of women, including political empowerment, broad integration in the process of economic recovery, enshrine the principle of parity in holding high offices,  and provide the guarantees of protection against all forms of violence,” said President Tebboune in a message read on his behalf by the Minister of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Affairs, Kaouter Krikou at a ceremony held at El Aurassi Hotel on the occasion of the celebration of International Women’s Day. 

The celebration of International Women’s Day “is an occasion to show esteem and to express recognition for women in our country and around the world, who play a key role in the socio-economic activity and in charitable and humanitarian work,” said the head of state.

The Algerian woman “has proven during all stages and the most difficult moments her commitment to the high sense of patriotism and her permanent contribution to the promotion of citizenship,” wrote President Tebboune. 

“The exceptional situation induced by the Covid-19 pandemic showed the sacrifices of women doctors, nurses and women workers in general. They made brilliant achievements and wrote radiant pages reflecting their secular qualities of fidelity and values of national solidarity,” said the president.  

The celebration of this day symbolizes “the values of liberation and human dignity” and is “an opportunity to commend your conscience and determination to shape the future of generations, instilling in our children the preservation of national cohesion and true citizenship.” 

President Tebboune also bowed to the memory of the women martyrs of the National Liberation War, sisters in arms of the revolutionary Djamilate (Djamila Bouhired, Djamila Boupacha and Djamila Bouazza), and wished “long life to the glorious women war veterans (moudjahidate).”