ALGIERS – Tuesday, 06 June 2023 (APS) – The minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ahmed Attaf, chaired Tuesday the installation ceremony of the new ministry’s secretary general (SG), Lounès Magramane, as a replacement of Amar Belani, appointed Algeria’s ambassador to Turkey as part of the diplomatic reshuffle carried out recently by the president of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, the ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Attaf commended the efforts of Belani and “his devotion, during his term in office, to the strengthening of the performance and effectiveness of our country’s diplomatic apparatus,” wishing him “full success in his new mission,” the statement said.

He also highlighted the competence of the new secretary general of the ministry as well as his professional career, which allow him to “continue his predecessor’s efforts and complete the implementation of the goals set by the president of the Republic, as the foreign policy maker.”

Attaf praised the dynamic and the effectiveness of Algerian diplomacy, under the impetus of President Tebboune, and the achievements Algeria has made in strengthening its position and role at the regional and international levels.