ALGIERS – Monday, 05 June 2023 (APS) – The minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Mohamed Abdelhafid Henni, on Monday received the Italian minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests, Francesco Lollobrigida, on a working visit to Algeria at the invitation of his Algerian counterpart, with whom he discussed ways and means to boost cooperation and partnership between the two countries in the agricultural field.

Following the discussions held at the ministry’s headquarters, in the presence of Italy’s ambassador in Algiers and officials from the two countries, Henni said the meeting was “part of the strengthening of bilateral relations between the two countries, according to the instructions of the president of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, who attaches a paramount importance to the promotion of relations with Italy in the political, economic and commercial relations.”

The meeting was an opportunity for the two sides to discuss the development of bilateral programmes in agriculture as well as food and manufacturing industry, the minister said, citing many proposals made in this respect.

The two sides also “examined Algeria’s agricultural capabilities and the sector’s strategy to develop and modernize agriculture, and to ensure the required means for the development of scientific research in the field and providing support to start-up.”