ALGIERS – Tuesday, 10 October 2023 (APS) – The government continues the fulfillment of the commitments of its action plan as part of the implementation of the program of the President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune, said the General Policy Statement which was presented this Thursday at the People’s National Assembly by the Prime Minister Aïmene Benabderrahmane.

The government’s General Policy Statement draws up a report on the activities and actions achieved by the different sectors from September 2022 to August 2023.

The government’s action focused on five fields, namely the consolidation of the rule of law, the economic revival, the human development, the diplomatic action and the national defense.

In this regard, the government reiterated in its General Policy Statement that the State’s social character remains “a structuring principle of the government’s action to strengthen the social cohesion.”

The government’s social policy was based on “improving the citizens’ purchasing power, improving the care provided to vulnerable populations, strengthening social security and retirement systems and improving the access to housing and basic public services.”

The document emphasizes that this social policy aims to “reduce the economic inequalities and increase education and training opportunities as well as access to healthcare services for all the citizens.”

As part of the consolidation of the rule of law and the governance reform, the Statement says that Algeria has resolutely engaged in a consolidation and improvement process of its governance, with the aim of “strengthening its institutions, ensuring a full exercise of rights and freedoms and promoting a transparent and responsible governance.”

In this respect, the government has continued to implement the justice reform, notably through the establishment of new jurisdictions, the enshrinement of the itinerant hearing mode and the finalization of the revision of the main codes.

It has also worked to “further strengthen the complementarity relationship with the legislative power, reflected in a significant improvement of the functioning of the different parliamentary control mechanisms.”