ALGIERS – Thursday, 18 August 2022 (APS) – Thirty-seven people lost their lives while 183 others were injured in the wildfires that hit some provinces in the country’s east, the Civil Protection department said Thursday.

In the province of El-Tarf, 30 people were killed in the fires, five in Souk Ahras, and two succumbed to their injuries in Setif, the deputy director of Statistics and Information at the General Directorate of Civil Protection, Colonel Farouk Achour, told APS.

Civil Protection units have managed to put out many fires in Guelma and Jijel, and are making more efforts to extinguish others in Souk Ahras (7 fires), Skikda (3), El-Tarf (2), Setif (1), Tipasa (1) and Tizi-Ouzou (1).