ALGIERS – Sunday, 17 September 2023 (APS) – The Speaker of the People’s National Assembly Brahim Boughali received Sunday, in Algiers, the Speaker of Oman’s Shura Council Sheikh Khalid Bin Hilal Bin Nasser Al-Maouli and the delegation accompanying him.

In a statement to the press at the end of the meeting, the speaker of Oman’s Shura Council underlined that his visit to Algeria “comes within the framework of the Strengthening of cooperation and coordination between Oman’s Shura Council and the Algerian Parliament.”

On this occasion, Boughali welcomed “the two sides’ commitment to coordinating their views on several issues submitted to the Arab Inter-parliamentary Union (AIPU),” stressing “the convergence of the two sides on Arab-Muslim and Arab issues.”

The meeting was the opportunity to discuss “the operating mode of the Algerian Parliament and the exchange of visits as part of the joint cooperation and coordination,” he said, adding that the meeting was “fruitful and enabled unveiling a convergence of views on parliamentary and political issues.”

Sheikh Khalid Bin Hilal Bin Nasser Al-Maouli hoped “achieving further cooperation between the two countries in the economic field.”

The Speaker of Oman’s Shura Council started on Thursday a six-day visit to Algeria.