ALGIERS Tuesday, 25 July 2023 (APS) – The Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ahmed Attaf received Tuesday at the Ministry’s headquarters the United States Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, Michele Sison, who is on a working visit to Algeria, according to a Ministry press release.

The US Assistant Secretary of State expressed “on behalf of the U.S. Secretary of State and the U.S. Government, her heartfelt condolences to Algeria following the tragic forest fires that recently affected some of the country’s provinces,” said the source.

Talks between the two parties focused on the most important areas of bilateral cooperation and strategic dialogue between Algeria and the United States, particularly the prospects for strengthening coordination between the two countries within the various international organizations and bodies, headed by the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council and Security Council.

The meeting was also an opportunity to present the priorities of the American candidate for the International Court of Justice, Sarah Cleveland, ahead of the UN elections scheduled for November 9, said the same source.

In anticipation of Attaf’s “forthcoming” visit to Washington, the two parties exchanged views on regional and international developments, including the Libyan, Malian, Sudanese and Sahel-Saharan crises, in addition to the Western Sahara and Palestinian causes, according to the ministry’s press release.

In this connection, “the US official expressed the United States’ consideration and support for Algeria’s efforts to establish stability and development in its immediate environment and at the continental level.”

The two sides also expressed “their political will and readiness to strengthen consultation and coordination between the two countries, whenever conditions are ripe, with a view to contributing to peaceful and consensual solutions, in addition to activating the role of multilateral action in the face of international challenges of an inclusive nature.”