ALGIERS – Tuesday, 03 October 2023 (APS) – Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad Ahmed Attaf received on Monday the Director General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Fernando Arias, who is on a visit to Algeria.

In a statement to the press after the audience granted by Ahmed Attaf, Arias said that Algeria was a “active” country in the domain of disarmament.

“We have been working for 26 years for the destruction of all declared chemical arms worldwide and aim to finish this major task this year. 70,000 tons of the most dangerous poisons across the globe have been destroyed under the supervision of the organization, thanks to the backing of 193 State members, including Algeria which is an active and positive country in the domain of disarmament”, he highlighted.

The OPCW’s head also said that he had the opportunity for “very open and very friendly” discussions with Attaf.

In this regard, he noted a convergence of views on the need “to cooperate to ensure peace and security globally.”

Fernando Arias concluded by expressing his hope that Algeria will maintain its positive role within the OPCW “to address major challenges facing us.”