BEIJING (China) – Saturday, 22 July 2023 (APS) – The minister of Housing, Urban Planning and the City, Mohamed Tarek Belaribi, and his Chinese counterpart, NI Hong, agreed in discussions they held Thursday, in Beijing, on the creation of a joint commission on the achievement of the city of Boughezoul according to an advanced technology design.
The discussions, held between Mohamed Tarek Belaribi and his Chinese counterpart on the sidelines of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s State visit to this friendly country, resulted in “two strategic decisions,” namely “the creation of joint commission to study the achievement of the city of Boughezoul according to a technological design similar to the new Chinese cities.”
The two sides also agreed to “review the Algerian earthquake-resistant building system,” to “adapt it to modern technologies under the supervision of experts, through a joint committee made up of members from the two countries.”