LONDON – Friday, 17 November 2023 (APS) – Algeria and the United Kingdom (UK) agreed to continue strengthening bilateral partnership in all areas, and to cooperate on regional and international issues of common interest, according to the joint communiqué issued after the 2nd session of the strategic dialogue between the two countries.


The Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Ahmed Attaf and the Minister of State for the Middle East and North Africa, Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon held Thursday constructive talks aimed at deepening existing bilateral cooperation.

The two sides noted with satisfaction the progress in implementing the recommendations of the first session of the strategic dialogue held in 2020. They praised the longstanding relationship between Algeria and the United Kingdom, which dates back to the sixteenth century and the appointment of the first British Consul in Algiers in 1580 and the signing in 1682 of a bilateral Treaty of Peace and Trade.

They emphasized the warm and extensive links between the UK and Algeria, praising the depth of diplomatic, defence, security, economic, trade, scientific research, education and cultural cooperation. The UK and Algeria agreed to strengthen the bilateral partnership in those fields, including through regular official-level engagement.

They recognized the potential for further economic cooperation in areas such as trade, investment, energy and technology. Both countries are committed to facilitating and promoting trade and investment, identifying opportunities for business partnerships, and creating an enabling environment for increased economic engagement.

On defence and security, the two sides welcomed ongoing cooperation in the face of shared security challenges, including the fight against terrorism, organized crime, human trafficking, cyber security and other transnational threats. They also agreed to strengthen intelligence sharing, law enforcement cooperation, and capacity-building efforts to enhance security and promote stability in the region. They looked forward to further deepening the close defence relationship and to the Joint Military Dialogue in 2024.

As for trade and investment, they acknowledged the importance of energy cooperation, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, and the transition to a low-carbon economy. The UK also acknowledged the significant initiatives undertaken by the Algerian Government to foster the start-up ecosystem since 2020.

Regarding education and culture, the UK welcomed the Algerian government’s initiative to increase the teaching of the English language in schools and as a language of tuition in higher education establishments. The UK reiterated its willingness to lend its support in this regard through increasing inter-university cooperation.

Elsewhere, the two sides welcomed the launch of the joint Higher Education Committee as a vehicle to strengthen collaboration and build university-to-university partnerships through twinning agreements, joint projects and research programs in the fields of agriculture, renewable energy, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and green hydrogen.

Algeria and the UK welcomed the recent signing of an updated Memorandum of Understanding on the establishment of “British Schools” in Algeria, and now look forward to the opening of a second school – “British Campus Algeria” – in 2024.

The UK also congratulated the Algerian side on the decision to set up a Cultural centre in London to promote and expand cultural ties between the two countries.

 Besides, the Ministers also discussed regional and multilateral issues of common interest. The two sides shared their assessments of the situation in North Africa and the Middle East, as well as the Sahel region.

On the issue of Western Sahara, the two sides reaffirmed their commitment to a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution, based on compromise, which provides for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara, consistent with the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations.

Both officials reaffirmed their shared commitment to regular political dialogue and high-level exchanges to deepen understanding and strengthen cooperation on regional and global issues of mutual concern. They also undertook to promote peace, security and stability in their respective regions as well as globally, through close coordination and collaboration within international organizations and fora.

The UK and Algeria expressed concern about non-constitutional changes of government, including in the Sahel, and the importance of addressing the root cause of instability. The deteriorating security situation in Mali, and the need for a resolution to the Niger crisis, were particular areas of concern.

With regard to the current situation in the Middle East, the two sides expressed their deep concern at the loss of civilian lives and the deteriorating humanitarian situation.  The two parties called for the protection of civilians and the facilitation of access to humanitarian aid.  Both sides reiterated their support for a two-state solution based on 1967 borders as the only viable solution to the Middle East conflict.

On the issue of Western Sahara, the two sides reaffirmed their commitment to a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution, based on compromise, which provides for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara, consistent with the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations. The two sides reaffirmed their full support to the efforts of the UN Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy, Staffan de Mistura as well as MINURSO.

The UK congratulated Algeria on its election earlier this year to both the UN Security Council and the UN Human Rights Council.  The UK looked forward to supporting Algerian priorities during its upcoming tenure at the Security Council and beyond on issues of concern, including shared aims of stability, security and human rights, stability in the Sahel and non-constitutional change of government there.