ALGIERS – Wednesday, 08 June 2022 (APS) – Algeria has decided to suspend the Treaty of friendship, good-neighborliness and cooperation concluded with Spain on 8 October 2002, the Presidency of the Republic said Sunday in a statement.  


“The Spanish authorities have embarked on a campaign to justify the position they adopted on Western Sahara in violation of their legal, moral and political obligations as an administering power of the territory which rests with Spain until the completion of the decolonization of Western Sahara is declared,” said the source.

“These same authorities that assume the responsibility of an unjustifiable change of their position since the statements of 18 March 2022 in which the current Spanish government expressed its full support to the illegal and illegitimate formula of the internal self-governing advocated by the occupying power, are promoting a colonial fait accompli by using fallacious arguments,” added the source.

“This attitude of the Spanish government is a violation of the international legality that its status as an administering power imposes on it and of the efforts made by the United Nations and the new personal envoy of the Secretary General, contributing directly to the deterioration of the situation in Western Sahara and the region,” added the Presidency of the Republic.

“As a consequence, Algeria has decided the immediate suspension of the Treaty of friendship, good-neighborliness and cooperation that it concluded with Spain on 8 October 2022 and which has provided, thus far, a framework for the development of relations between both countries,” concluded the source.