ALGIERS – Friday, 23 June 2023 (APS) – Algeria on Thursday condemned “in the strongest terms” the repeated barbaric attacks and acts of intimidation by the Zionists settlers against defenceless Palestinian citizens, the ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad said in a statement.

“Algeria condemns in the strongest terms the Zionist settlers’ repeated barbaric attacks and acts of intimidation, encouraged and protected by the Zionist occupation authorities, against defenseless Palestinian citizens, resulting in several innocent casualties and the destruction of Palestinian properties,” the statement said.

“Algeria calls for an immediate halt of those heinous acts which are a flagrant and repeated violation of the international law,”

“Renewing its call for the international community to assume its full responsibility in putting an end to the spiral of bloody violence and aggression against the Palestinian people and their properties, Algeria reiterates its full solidarity and its position of principle in support of the Palestinian people, for the recovery of their legitimate and inalienable rights, especially the establishment of their independent State with al-Quds as capital,” the statement concluded.