BEIJING (China) – Tuesday, 18 July 2023 (APS) – Algeria and China, in a joint statement at the end of discussions between the president of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, on Tuesday in Beijing, agreed on continuing the intensification of political consultation, strengthening security cooperation, deepening economic partnership and enhancing cooperation in all fields.


“At the kind invitation of the president of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, the president of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, is paying a State visit to China,” the document said, adding that the leaders of the two countries “has held a friendly discussion showing perfect agreement.”

“The two leaders discussed the historical relations between the two friendly countries and welcomed the level of bilateral cooperation and coordination at all levels, raising the ways and means to promote relations in all fields so as to uphold the interests of the two friendly countries and peoples, while exchanging views on bilateral, regional and international issues of common interests.”

They also “expressed their appreciation for the fruitful cooperation between the two sides at the bilateral level and in international fora, stressing the importance of the timing of the visit, which coincides with the celebration, this year, by the two friendly countries of the 65th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations.”

“The Algerian side congratulated China for the success of the 20th national congress of the Chinese Communist Party, and for the important and positive outcome of the works of the two annual sessions in China, especially the decision to renew confidence in Xi Jinping for a new term as president of the People’s Republic of China.”

The Algerian side also “praised the achievements” of the past few years in terms of socioeconomic development in China, under the enlightened guidance of President Xi Jinping, wishing for the Chinese people more progress and prosperity.”

The Chinese side expressed its “appreciation for the big achievements of Algeria in terms of national development, as part of President Tebboune’s New Algeria vision, wishing for the Algerian people to reach, quickly, their goal of building a prosperous, rich and strong country.”

“In the light of the development of relations between the two countries and the desire to strengthen them in the future, the two leaders agreed to continue the intensification of political consultation at all levels and develop cooperation in the political, economic, cultural, artistic, security and defence fields, as well as to deepen the relations of comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries,” the joint statement said.

“The two sides intend to consolidate the common interests and strengthen the mutual support, to overcome the difficulties stemming from the different, successive crises and challenges facing the world.”

The two sides put forward “the importance of enhancing political and security cooperation and their determination to intensify contact and cooperation at different governmental and legislative levels, to achieve the common interests of the peoples of the two countries.”

On the economic front, the two sides welcomed the development of‎ their economic relations and the volume of bilateral trade.”

They stressed their determination to “deepen the economic partnership and enhance the practical cooperation in all areas, to work for the increase of the volume of trade and to facilitate Algerian non-hydrocarbon exports to China, and also to raise the volume of Chinese qualitative investments, through the multiple benefits of the investment law in Algeria.”

The two sides agreed on taking further steps to “benefit from the business and investment opportunities offered (by the two countries), intensifying contacts and increasing visits between the public and private sectors in the two countries, combining efforts to create a favorable, incentive, suitable and encouraging investment environment, strengthening economy, trade and investment, enhancing partnerships and opening up wider perspectives of economic cooperation between the two countries in various areas.”

They also agreed on “strengthening scientific and academic cooperation, supporting Chinese and Algerian cultural institutions to cooperate on a series of cultural activities ahead of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Algeria and China.”

The two sides “agreed to continue the extension of contacts among individuals and to strengthen friendship relations between Algeria and China at the popular level, in the different cultural, sports, touristic and media fields, as part of the New Algeria and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and through the deepening of cooperation in several areas, including car industry, space sciences, agriculture, culture, tourism, construction of ports, logistics services, water desalination, infrastructures, manufacturing industries, the metallurgy, financial sector, the digital economy, energy, mining, teaching, scientific research, the teaching of Chinese language, the media, the tax administration, the customs and the fight against corruption.”

The two sides agreed on “strengthening the adaptation of the development strategies of the two countries comprehensively, exploit the additional benefits and deepen practical cooperation in the best interests of both peoples” and  welcomed the signing, in November and December 2022, of the “Executive Plan for the Joint Implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative”, the “2nd Five-Year Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Plan (2022-2026), and the “Three-Year Cooperation Plan in key fields 2022-2024.”

The two sides also reached a series of agreements and memoranda in all areas of cooperation, and welcomed “the mutual support and the bilateral cooperation in the fight against coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, welcoming partnership between the two countries in the production of vaccines.”

The two leaders expressed their “determination to step up cooperation in health, and which dates back to 1963, when China sent its first medical mission to Algeria.”

Concerning the positions of the two countries on international issues, Algeria and China reiterated their commitment to “intensify consultation and coordination on international and multilateral issues, continue the ongoing support of their basic interests, support each other in terms of the preservation of their sovereignty and territorial integrity, make joint efforts to defend the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of countries, among other rules of international legality and fundamental principles of international relations.”

The two countries also stressed the need to “respect the principle of good neighborliness and ensure the continued strengthening of democracy in international relations, in addition to the resolution of conflicts through dialogue and peaceful means.”

They also emphasized ‎”the necessity of preserving the United Nations system, centered on the UN, and the world order, based on the International Law, and the fundamental rules governing international relations, based on the principles and goals of the UN Charter.”

The two sides agreed to “maintain their commitment to multilateralism, to the strengthening of the principles of cooperation, solidarity, justice and equity in international relations‎, and to preserve the interests of the developing countries and to defend their rights.”

The Algerian side reiterated its “respect of the One-China principle, Taiwan being an integral part of the territories of China,” expressing its “opposition to the independence of Taiwan, whatever its shape, and voiced support to China’s position on the issues relating to human rights in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Tibet and others, and rejecting any attempt to politicize the human rights issue or use it as a pressure tool in international relations.”

The Chinese side expressed its “support of Algeria’s efforts to preserve its national security and stability, welcoming the development process it has started to achieve a comprehensive economic take-off “.

The Algerian side informed, again, the Chinese side of the steps it has taken to apply for Algeria’s membership of the BRICS, and the reasons for this initiative, especially the “profound changes in the Algerian economy and the aspirations of Algeria to adapt to developments on the world economic scene.”

The Chinese side welcomed “Algeria’s positive willingness to join this group and affirmed supporting its efforts to achieve this objective.”

Algeria hailed “China’s position in this regard and its determination to accompany Algeria in all the phases of the execution of  this project.”

The Algerian side thanked China for its “support to Algeria’s candidacy to a UN Security Council non-permanent seat for the term 2024-2025.” China congratulated Algeria for its “election as a non-permanent member of this Council. The two sides aspire to strengthen the cooperation and consultations on issues included in the agenda of the Security Council.”

The two sides expressed their appreciation for the holding of the 1st China-Arab Summit in Riyadh on 9 December 2022 and welcomed its results, notably in light of the current situation at the international level. In this regard, they affirmed their support for the initiative “Working with all efforts to build the Arab-Chinese community for a common future towards the new era,” and praised “the key role of the Sino-Arab Cooperation Forum in the strengthen of the collective cooperation between China and the Arab countries, expressing their willingness to contribute to this Forum’s support and development.”

China “congratulated Algeria for the successful hosting of the Arab Summit on 1-2 November 2022,” hailing its “active role in the unification of the Arab ranks and strengthening of the joint Arab action amidst the challenges facing the Arab countries in various fields.”

The Chinese side expressed also its “support to Algeria’s constructive and important role on the regional and international scenes.”

For its part, the Algerian side “welcomed the initiatives and ideas presented by China, as well as the positive efforts that have been made to reach a fair and lasting solution to the Middle Eastern issues.”

The two sides affirmed that “the situation in this region is related to the security and stability in the world and that the peace and prosperity efforts are in line with the common international community.”

The two sides stressed “the necessity of settling the Palestinian issue in accordance with the international Law and the resolutions of the international legality, which enshrine the Palestinian people’s right to establish their independent State and fully sovereign over the borders of 1967, with al-Quds as capital, to establish security and stability in the Middle East, as part of mutual respect and commitment to justice and equity principles.”

Algeria and China emphasized their “support to the efforts of the State of Palestine to be a full member of the United Nations and relevant organizations.”

The Chinese side praised the tireless efforts of President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune for the reunification of the Palestinian factions and the achievement of the Palestinian reconciliation and unity, crowned by the “Declaration of Algiers.”

For its part, Algeria welcomed the initiatives and visions presented, several times, by President Xi Jinping for the settlement of the Palestinian issues, particularly his recent “three-point proposal, commending China’s long-standing and ongoing support to the just cause of the Palestinian people for the restoration of their legitimate national rights, as well as its support to the strengthening of unity between the Palestinian factions and achievement of the national reconciliation through dialogue and consultations”

The two sides agreed on “the necessity of working to reach political and peaceful solutions to urgent issues and to other crises in the Arab region, notably Syria, Libya, Yemen and Sudan, through dialogue and consultations and while respecting the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the region’s countries, stressing the rejection of any foreign interference .”

They insisted on the “necessity of addressing together terrorist and extremist organizations exercising on their soil, backing the efforts made by Lebanon, Somalia and Sudan to ensure security, stability and development and prosperity and fight against terrorism, and of supporting the efforts of the United Nations and the Arab League in this regard.”

China affirmed its “support to the Arab countries for the settlement of security issues in the region through solidarity and cooperation.”

In this regard, the Algerian side welcomed “the praiseworthy mediation effort by China between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and which resulted in the Beijing Agreement on 10 March 2023, and the signing of a joint declaration in the Chinese capital on 6 April 2023, announcing the resumption of relations between the two countries and the beginning of a new era of consensus, cooperation and peace.”

The two sides stressed the importance of a comprehensive strategic partnership between Africa and China and of the support to the efforts made by the continent’s countries to achieve their common development objectives in accordance with the 2063 agenda, putting an end to the crises which threaten peace, security and stability in the African continent, by referring to the basic principles of AU Constitutive Act, and working for the development of African solutions to the African issues.”

 The Algerian side welcomed the vision of President Xi Jinping on the concept of transparency, viability, conviviality and honesty towards Africa, as well as his moves to continue the rooting of mutual political trust between Africa and China, deepen the practical cooperation in all fields, and to provide the necessary support to the rooting of peace and development in Africa.

Algeria also hailed “China’s unfailing support to the African countries for the achievement of their national independence, on the development paths adapted to their national conditions, and their efforts for integration and solidarity,” adding that “the Chinese cooperation with Africa is at the top of the international cooperation and that this cooperation contributed to the improvement of social and economic development conditions in Africa and generated tangible benefits for the Chinese and African peoples.”

In this regard, the Chinese side praised Algeria’s “important role in supporting stability and development, as well as peace-building in Africa, through its tireless efforts to peacefully resolve crises, notably in Libya, Mali and the Sahel-Sahara region, in addition to its ongoing commitment and great efforts within the framework of its mandate as coordinator of the African Union for the prevention of terrorism and violent extremism and the fight against the spread of this dangerous scourge on the continent, by ensuring the transfer of Algeria’s successful experience in the eradication of terrorism”.

The Chinese side also praised Algeria’s “contributions to the implementation of Agenda 2063, particularly in the field of economic integration through huge structuring and development projects, of African dimension, with the countries of the continent, as well as its efforts to activate the free trade zone, to promote trade between African countries, in addition to the positive impact of the Algerian side in financing development projects in African countries, particularly integration projects in the economic, cultural, social, cultural and scientific fields”.

As for the Western Sahara issue, the two parties affirmed their “support for efforts aimed at achieving a lasting and just solution within the framework of international legality, in particular the relevant United Nations resolutions, capable of guaranteeing the Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination, following steps in line with the principles of the UN Charter and its goals, expressing their support for UN efforts in this direction.”

As regards the situation in Ukraine, the two sides called for “the settlement of disputes by peaceful means, through dialogue and negotiations, and respect for International Law and the goals and principles of the UN Charter”, deeming it “inadmissible to provide security to one state at the expense of another”, and stressing the need to “address the reasonable security concerns of the countries  appropriately, but also not to resort to unilateral sanctions or any other coercive measures in order to avoid violating International Law or undermining the living conditions of the peoples of the countries concerned, and to mitigate the gravity of the humanitarian repercussions that may result, and to do everything possible to alleviate the escalation so as to enable a peaceful solution to be found to this crisis.”

The Algerian side expressed its “consideration for China’s efforts to help spread international peace and development, as well as its support for President Xi Jinping’s two initiatives, namely the global security and global development initiatives, which call on the international community to pay attention to development issues and revive the global partnership for development cooperation, and which highlight the importance of focusing on the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security”.

According to the joint statement, the two parties wish to “advance cooperation in priority areas within the framework of the global initiative for development, and contribute to accelerating the implementation of the United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030”.

 The Algerian side also welcomed the World Civilization initiative launched by the Chinese President, underlining “the importance of tolerance, coexistence, exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations”.

The Chinese side, for its part, praised the “considerable efforts made by Algeria to guarantee the right of emerging countries to global and sustainable development”.

The President of the Republic seized this opportunity to “express his heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the Chinese President for the warm welcome and hospitality extended to him and his accompanying delegation”, expressing “his best wishes for health and happiness to President Xi Jinping and the friendly Chinese people, and wishing them further progress and prosperity.”

President Tebboune extended an invitation to his Chinese counterpart to visit Algeria. The Chinese President thanked him for this “kind invitation”, and “the date of this visit is to be decided by mutual agreement”, concluded the communiqué.