ALGIERS – Wednesday, 14 December 2022 (APS) – President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune affirmed Tuesday, in Algiers, that Algeria aims to double its gas production destined exclusively to exportation.


“We currently produce about 102 billion m3 of gas, half of which is consumed locally. I hope to reach a production of 100 billion m3 in 2023, destined exclusively for exportation,” said President Tebboune when visiting the oil industries pavilion of Sonatrach Group, at the Algerian Production Fair (FPA-2022).

President Tebboune reaffirmed that Algeria is a very reliable energy partner for Europe, welcoming notably the partnership between Algeria and Italy.

In this regard, Sonatrach’s Chief Executive Officer Toufik Hakkar said that Algeria’s gas exports to Italy have reached a record level.

“Algeria logged record gas exports to Italy this month, and we haven’t recorded this since 2011. Our exports neared 97 million m3/day to Italy,” he added; pointing out that Algeria exports currently about 27 billion m3/year to this country.

President Tebboune said that Algeria wasn’t against the fact that Italy becomes a hub for the distribution of the (Algerian) gas to other countries, including Germany.

President of the Republic seized the opportunity to renew his greetings to all the workers of Sonatrach, Naftal and Sonelgaz for the efforts aimed to contribute to the national development.