ALGIERS – Thursday, 21 September 2023 (APS) – The president of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, has had intense activity while attending the high-level week of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), giving a speech in which he stressed the need to build a more just and equitable multipolar world.


President’s Tebboune’s speech echoed the voice of voiceless peoples, calling for a new world order that ensures equality and cooperation among nations.

A world order, which guarantees security and prosperity for the world populations, under the banner of the United Nations, is a claim for which Algeria has been advocating for half a century.

In this respect, President Tebboune said the acceleration of negotiations on the reform of the UN Security Council should be a “priority for the international community.”

A comprehensive speech about the assumed positions of the Algerian State and its commitment “to the joint African position,” to “put an end to the historical justice that has affected the African continent,” in support of just causes and oppressed peoples who are fighting for liberty, especially the Palestinian and Western Sahara peoples.

The president of the Republic, in his speech, recalled Algeria’s efforts for peaceful solutions to conflicts and crises, to bring the warring parties together and reconcile the positions and the views, mainly in Libya, Mali, Niger and Sudan.

He also emphasized the difficulties facing the other countries, those who are suffering from a challenging global environment and striving to ensure a healthy development.

The immutability and coherence of the discourse of president Tebboune were confirmed by his intense activity on the sidelines of the works of the 78th UN General Assembly, all of which were focused on the global concerns given top priority in Algeria’s agenda.

The president of the Republic met Wednesday UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, with whom he exchanged views on the situation in Western Sahara, Libya and Mali, and especially the importance of implementing the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali, an outcome of Algiers process, on the country and the whole region.

Mr. Tebboune and Mr. Guterres also broached the situation in Niger and the Sahel region.

Algeria acts as nodal country in community of nations

The president of the Republic met the chairman of the 78th ordinary session of the UN General Assembly, Dennis Francis.

He held discussions with Italy’s Prime Minister Georgia Meloni, whose Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani expressed Wednesday, in New York, the support of Rome to the initiative of President Tebboune for a political solution to the crisis in Niger.

“Algeria is a friendly country with which we have excellent historical relations,” the Italian minister told APS, adding that the two countries “work together to restore peace and achieve development in the Mediterranean and Africa.”

The regional spokesman of the US Department of State, Samuel Warburg, told APS that Algeria “is an important country with influence and has relations with all neighboring countries‎,” adding that the United States “intends to continue coordination with Algeria in terms of counterterrorism.”

As part of his activities in New York, President Tebboune met, in the headquarters of the United Nations, many other country leaders, such as President Miguel Diaz-Canel of Cuba, President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa, President Jessica Rose Alupo of Uganda, President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana, President Umaro Sissoco Embalo of Guinea Bissau and President George Weah of Liberia.

He also received Tunisia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisian Abroad, Nabil Ammar, who led his country’s delegation to the 78th session of the UN General Assembly.”

President Abdelmadjid Tebboune also held talks with his counterparts of Switzerland, Alain Berset, of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, in addition to his meeting with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.